Author Guidelines

Submitting your manuscript to our journal, means that your work has not been published before in any other journal, book or in a book chapter, be it printed or online (except in the form of an abstract or an academic thesis), that it is also not in any way under consideration for publication elsewhere, that the submitted manuscript has the permission for publication from all the authors in it and is approved from the responsible authorities where that work was carried out, and that, if accepted in EFR, will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the prior consent of the publisher. The editors of EFR have the right to edit or to alter all contributions, but authors of the submitted work will receive testimony before the publication of their work in EFR.

As far as copyrights are concerned, they are retained by the authors of manuscripts published or to be published in EFR but with first publication rights granted to EFR. The journal or editors are not responsible for any successive use of the author(s) work. If so desired, it is the job of author (s) to bring an encroachment action. Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word, should be in English and should be sent online only via e-mail. For any queries, write us an e-mail and we will respond to your inquiry sooner than soon.

Manuscript Selection Criteria and Publication Process

1. After receiving author(s) manuscript, the editor will then send a confirmation e-mail to corresponding author (only) within one or two working days. If you have trouble in receiving or finding that confirmation e-mail, kindly check your junk e-mails folder or file your complaints to the editor of the journal via e-mail.
2. We believe that if a manuscript/article undergoes extensive review process, the quality of both article and journal can be maintained so keeping this in mind, we use double blind peer-review system in which identity of author(s) remain anonymous to the reviewers (and vice versa) to make the review process fair. The review process may take 1 week to 10 days.
3. Having received the review result from the reviewers, we will then send those results to the author via e-mail.
4. The authors then revise the article as recommended by the reviewers, if necessary, and pay publication fee. It is important to note here that our journal charges 130 USD for a manuscript to be published in it.

* Our journal is an online journal and thus authors should not expect the printed copies of the journal to be sent to them.

General Guidelines

When it comes to language, we only accept the manuscript(s) written in English. Authors can use both American and British version of English but avoid using the mixture of both. Try to make sure that there are no grammatical errors, typos and that your manuscript doesn’t have sentence composition and structure issues. Where necessary, use decimal points and not commas; use a space for thousands (20 000 and above).
Length of your manuscript should ideally be between 3000-8000 words.
Avoid using colors except for black and white in your manuscripts because the layout of the journal supports only black and white color.

Publication Fee

Author(s) whose manuscript(s) are accepted for our journal are required to pay USD 130 as a normal publication fee.
For special issues, we will charge 120 USD per paper. Kindly note that ability to pay the publication fee doesn’t necessarily guarantee that the paper will be accepted for publication in BMR because we, at BMR, believe that quality comes first.
You should contact the editor of the journal when your article is accepted for publication in the journal and in return he will send you the payment details.
Preferred mode of Payment is to pay via Western Union.
Please note that an official letter of acceptance with author names and article title will be provided only upon the receipt of your publication fee. We regret to inform you that we are unable to produce official acceptance letters prior to the receipt of your payment. Thank you for your understanding.

About Us

The journal has been started at 09/22/2005 in Baku, Azerbayjan.

Latest News

Vol 11 Issue 1, has been published at 6/22/2015.

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